Data Processing

Smart data and smart processes for an efficient, future-proof company.

Under the scientific supervision of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), various projects for process optimization were implemented that follow the principles of artificial intelligence. Together, we continously research and develop optimizations of material-, item- and product master data. As a result of one of these projects, for example, an auto-learning search is available that specializes in the meaning-based analysis of natural language search requests in product data sets. Read more about this below.


Individual Projects

Combine the benefits of standards with the flexibility and custom fit of individual development.

Our credo is “as much standard as possible – as much individualization as necessary”. Despite the great advantages of standardized solutions, there are always reasons for individual solutions or development within the framework of standard solutions. We are happy to implement innovative projects together with you.
In doing so, we rely on the appropriate programming methods according to the requirements and pay attention to sustainability and investment protection of the results already during the development phase.


Product Master Data Management

Join us in mastering the big challenge to optimize material-, item- and product master data, even in grown structures.

Product data optimization can become a bottomless pit. The permanent change of requirements is staff- and cost-intensive. We solve this for you! Receive benefits from prepared and enriched data sets for millions of products, as a basis for automated processing of product data as well as deep integration into your processes.
Automatic checking of item descriptions for market relevance and completeness of the relevant item values increases the quality of the item description in the database.
Example: Automated determination and suggestions of tariff numbers, optimization of keywords. Result: High-quality article data for ePapers and eShops with little effort.


Market Analyses

Make your strategic decisions based on relevant information.

We support you in obtaining relevant information and evaluating it. Whether for the purchasing or marketing department; our automated methods for data procurement and analysis support you in your business decisions.
Example: Thanks to automatic data collection, you know the package sizes and prices of your products on the market and which retailers sell them. The item prices of your business competitors may also be helpful in making your decisions.


Automated Data Processing

Make effective use of your data with the right techniques.

“Data is the new oil”. We assist you in leveraging your wealth of data. Whether analysis, enrichment, cleanup, optimization or duplicate detection: We help you manage your data.
Example: regularly incoming customer requests have to be handled, suitable items have to be found, matched to the request items and priced. This requires a lot of working time. With automated offer processing, you shorten this phase considerably and your customers get the right offer information quickly and without much effort.


Process Optimization

Let maximally automated processes work for you.

Benefit from more than 20 years of project and process experience. A high level of automation leads you to your goal more efficiently and at lower cost. Avoiding unnecessary or duplicate process steps as well as manual errors are just two of many optimization possibilities.
New artificial intelligence technologies can reduce more and more operational and manual tasks. This allows you to focus on your core issues and concentrate on your main business.